Thursday, May 29, 2008
Energy Flow
· Producers are herbaceous and woody plants in a terrestrial ecosystem. Primary producers in an aquatic ecosystem are various specious like phytoplanktons. Algae and higher plants.
Food Chain
· All animals depend on plants directly or indirectly for their food so they are called consumers or hertrotrops. If they feed on the producers, plants, they are called primary consumers. And if the animals eat other animals then they are called as secondary consumers then tertiary consumers and so on.
· Primary consumers – herbivores for e.g. insects, birds, and mammals in terrestrial ecosystem and mollusks in aquatic ecosystem
· Primary Carnivores or secondary consumers- They fed on herbivores. Secondary carnivores feed on primary carnivores.
· Grass…………….Goat…...............................Man
· (Producer) (Primary consumer) (Secondary consumer)
· Organisms occupy a specific place in the food chain is that is known as trophic levels. Producers…I trophic level, Herbivores….II trophic level
· .Each trophic level has a certain mass of living material, at a particular time called as the standing crop. The standing crop is measured as the mass of living organisms (biomass)or the number n a unit area. The biomass of a species is expressed in terms of fresh or dry weight. Measurement of biomass in terms of dry weight is more accurate.
· Detritus food chain begins with dead organic matter. It includes decomposers which feed on dead and decaying matter or detritus. Decomposer is mainly saprotrophs including fungi and bacteria. Decomposers secrete digestive enzymes that break organic matter into simple inorganic material.
· In an aquatic food chain Grazing food chain is the major source of energy flow. In terrestrial ecosystem a much larger fraction of energy flows through the detritus food chain than through GFC. Detritus food chain may be connected with the GFC at some levels. Some of the organisms of DFC are prey to the GFC animals, and in a natural ecosystem some animals like cockroaches, crows, etc are omnivores. These natural interconnections of food chains make it a food web.
· The number of trophic levels in the GFC is not more than 4 or 5.As the transfer of energy follows 10 percent law –only 10 % of the energy is transferred to each trophic level from the lower trophic level. After 4 or 5 trophic levels energy which is left not sufficient to sustain life.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Ecological pyramids
•The base of each pyramid represents the producers or the first trophic levels, mid herbivores and the apex represents tertiary or top level consumers.
•Common parameters used for constructing ecological pyramids are no. of individuals (pyramid of no.), dry weight (pyramid of biomass), or rate of energy flow (pyramid of energy)
Cycling of nutrients
• Standing state: The amount of nutrients such as C,N,P, Ca,etc.,present in the soil at any given time is known as standing crop.
• The movement of nutrient elements through the various components of an ecosystem is called nutrient cycling or biogeochemical cycle.
• Types of Nutrient cycles- 1. Gaseous and 2. Sedimentary. The reservoir for gaseous type of nutrient cycle present in the atmosphere.
· Carbon is essential component of all major organic compounds of protoplasm as carbohydrates, fats, proteins and nucleic acids.
· Carbon constitute 49% of the dry weight of the organisms and is next only to water
· In atmosphere .032% CO2 is present. out of the total quantity of global Carbon 71% Carbon is found dissolved in oceans
· CO2 is fixed in the biosphere by the process of photosynthesis by plants. The plans are able to fix carbon by the process of photosynthesis ranging from 4-9 x 1013 per year.
· Carbon fixed by producers enters the food chain and passed to herbivores, carnivores, decomposers.
· CO2 is released in atmosphere by respiration of producers and consumers.
· It is also released by the decomposition of waste materials and dead organic matter by decomposers in land or oceans
· Another source of CO2 is burning of wood, forest fire & combustion of organic matter fossil fuel. Volcanic activities are additional sources for releasing CO2 in the atmosphere.
· Some amount of fixed CO2 is lost to sediments and is removed from circulation. In oceans CO2 remains stored as bicarbonates as lime stone and marble rocks.
· Phosphorous is the major constituent of biological membranes nucleic acid and cellular energy transfer systems (ATP). Many animals also need large quantities of this element to make shells, bones and teeth.
· The natural reservoir of phosphorous is rock which contains phosphorous in the form of phosphates.
· The inorganic phosphorous is added to the soil as a result of weathering of phosphate rock. It is absorbed by the roots of the plants.
· Herbivores and other animals take this element from plants.
· After death and decay of organisms phosphorous is recycled due to action of decomposers especially by phosphate - solubilising bacteria releasing phosphorous.
· Phosphorous cycle is different from carbon cycle in two ways :
o There is no respiratory release of phosphorous into atmosphere as in carbon cycle.
o Atmospheric inputs of phosphorous through rainfall are much smaller than carbon inputs.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Ecosystem -Ecological Succession
The successive replacement of communities in an area over a period of time is known as ecological succession.
Types of succession
Primary succession: succession occurring on previously unoccupied sites, such as a bare rock, newly cooled lava, newly created pond or reservoir.
Secondary succession: It occurs in an area where the natural vegetation has been destroyed or removed e.g. the forests destroyed by fire. The reappearance and establishment of communities in such areas is called secondary succession.
• Pioneer community- The first biotic community which develops in a bare area is called pioneer community. This stage takes the longest time to change the environment for invasion of the next community.
• Pioneer species-The species that invade the bare land initially are called pioneer species.
• Seral communities- The pioneer community is replaced by another community. This second community is replaced by a third community, and so on. The different communities or stage like mosses, herbs, shrubs, and trees replacing one another during succession are called seral stages or seral communities.
• Climax community- is the stable, self perpetuating and final biotic community that develops at the end of biotic succession and is in perfect harmony with the physical environment. It is termed as climatic climax community. The climax community is stable and does not show changes in species composition, as long as the environmental conditions remain the same.
• Sere- The entire sequence of development stages of biotic succession from pioneer to a climax community is known as sere.
Biotic Succession on Bare Rock (Xerarch)
v Lichen and Moss stage
Lichens are the first species to invade the bare rock. They secrete acids to dissolve rock. Helping in weathering and soil formation.
Lichens are normally followed by small plants like mosses (Bryophytes) which can thrive in the small amount of soil. Lichens and mosses speed up the process of soil accumulation by trapping wind blown particles. Mosses grow in bunch, and together with lichens, make a mat over the substratum. Lichens and Mosses are the pioneer species forming he pioneer community.
Annual Herb Stage
The mat formed by mosses on the partially fragmented rock provides suitable substratum for the germination of seeds of annual herbaceous plants. These plants have more sand binding properties. Their death and decomposition accumulate more soil so the annual grasses are replaced by perennial grasses.
Shrub Stage
• Due to further weathering of rocks and death of the herbs, more soil is accumulated. So the habitat becomes suitable for the growth of shrubs. The shrubs are large in size and their roots penetrate more deeply in the rocky substratum causing more weathering and soil formation. This favours the invasion of the area by next seral stage.
Forest Stage
It is the climax community. Further weathering of rocks and increasing humus content of the soil favors the growth of more trees. Type of climax community depends upon the climate e.g. a rain forest in a moist tropical area; a coniferous forest or deciduous forest in temperate area; grassland in area with less rainfall.
Xerophytic habitat gets converted into a mesophytic one.
Biotic Succession on Water Body (Hydrarch)
In water bodies silting is done as a result of soil erosion from surrounding areas.
In a pond the phytoplankton and zooplankton makes the pioneer community.
Submerged aquatic plants, with their roots are present in the mud.
The dead remains of these organisms settle at the bottom .Floating plant species invade the pond.
Stages of Hydrarch
Phytoplankton and zooplankton stage
Submerged plant stage
Submerged free floating plant stage
Reed swamp stage
Marsh- meadow stage
Shrub stage
Forest with trees
With the continued situation, the pond bottom is gradually raised and water layer becomes shallow and rich in nutrients.
As a result rooted, emergent plants with aerial leaves, such as reeds, are able to live in the pond.
This is followed by the invasion of Dragonflies, crustaceans and more rooted species of plants.
With increasing settling of silt and decomposition of dead organic mater the pond becomes shallower until it gets transformed into a terrestrial habitat. Finally terrestrial species like grasses ,bushes and trees colonies the pond area and a climax community is established.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Dead plant parts such as leaves, bark, flowers, and dead remains of animals including fecal matter are called detritus.
ØAboveground detritus –litter fall
ØBelowground detritus-It is composed of dead roots (Root detritus).
It is mainly due to the action of feeding invertebrates (Detritivores). They break down into smaller particles. Detritus gets pulverized when passing through the digestive tracts of animals. Due to fragmentation the surface area of detritus particles is greatly increased and it comes out in the form of warm casting.
Water percolating through soil removed soluble substances (Sugars, several nutrients) from the fragmented detritus due to leaching
•The extra cellular enzymes released by bacteria and fungi carry out catabolism.i.e. enzymatic conversion of the decomposing detritus to simpler compounds and inorganic substances. All the three processes of decomposition operate simultaneously.
Humification leads to accumulation of a dark amorphous substances called Humus. It is highly resistant to microbial action and undergoes decomposition at an extremely slow rate. a Colloid in nature it serves as a reservoir of nutrients. The humus is further degraded by some microbes and release of inorganic nutrients occur by the process known as mineralization.
Components of ecosystem:
1.Biotic components
2. Abiotic components
•Vertical distribution of different species occupying different levels is called stratification. Like in a forest many layers of plants are presntsuch as herbs shrubs treesand creepers.
Aspects of ecosystem:
vPrimary productivity- the amount of biomass or organic matter produced per unit area a time period by plants during photosynthesis.
vIt is expressed in terms of wt (g-2) or energy (Kcal m-2).
vThe rate of biomass production is called productivity g-2 yr-1 or K Cal m-2 yr-1.
Secondary productivity
•It is defined as the rate of formation of new organic matter by consumers.
Factors affecting primary productivity:
•Solar radiation
•Soil moisture
•Availability of nutrients
•Photosynthetic capacity of plants
Pp is very high because of very high soil moisture
•pp is very low because of cold climate and short snow free growing period
NPP of whole biosphere =170 billion tons (dry weight of organic matter )
•70% area of is covered by water but the NPP of oceans = 55 billion tons
Why NPP is very low in oceans than tropical regions?
•Photosynthesis decreases with increasing water depth.
•In deep oceans nutrients often become limiting for productivity.
•Nitrogen is the most limiting factor in marine eco system.
1. What do you understand by ecosystem? Discuss the various components of ecosystem by taking examples of pond.
2. Who coined the term ecosystem?
3. What are the two categories of ecosystem?
4. Give two examples of man made ecosystem.
5. Define the term stratification. Write various layers present in a forest.
6. What is primary productivity?
7. Distinguish between gross primary productivity and gross productivity.
8. What is secondary productivity?
9. What is decomposition?
10.Enlist various steps of decomposition.
11 Decomposition will be slow in anaerobic conditions? Is it true or false? Why?
12 Briefly describe the processes and products of decomposition with the help of schematic diagram.
13. What happens to the producers, once they trap the solar energy?
14. Dfferentiate GFC and DFC
15. Gve an account of energy flow in an ecosystem.
16. Name an annelid that act as detrivores.
17. Why water-soluble inorganic nutrients get unavailable during decomposition?
18. Name factors that regulate decomposition.
19. Draw a trophic level presentation of pond ecosystem.
20. What is 10 percent law?
21. What do you man by term biomass?
22. Differentiate biome and biosphere.
23. What is food web?
24. What are the main functions of ecosystem?
25. What is mineral immobilization? What is its advantage?
26. How can on organism occupy more than one trophic level?
27. Explain the ecosystem service provide by the biological diversity.
28. Nme the various abiotic components of ecosystem?
29. Define the term biomass. What is pyramided of biomass?
30. How decomposer help in recycling of nutrients.
31. Explain pyramid of number with the help of an example.
32. Distinguish between Scavengers and Parasites.
33. Distinguish the following:
a) Ecosystem and Biome
b) Biotic community and Ecosystem.
34.Draw a phosphorus cycle, in terrestrial ecosystem.
35.Why pond is called self-sustainable ecosystem?
36.How human is formed during decomposition?
37.what is mineralisation?
38. How decomposition depends on the type of substance?
39.what is food chain? What are the starting points of grazing food chain and a detritus food chain respectively?
40.Explain, what is meant by ecological succession or biotic succession?
41.What is the different between primary succession and secondary succession? Also explain the terms pioneer community and seral communities?
42.Explain various types of succession communities.
43.Distinguish between carbon cycle and phosphorus cycle.
44.what is the important of Ecological succession?
45.What do you mean by plant succession?
46.Explain the Hydrarch succession.
47.How does difference between the seral stage and the climax community during succession.
48.How does succession differ in terrestrial and aquatic system? Give salient point.
49.Distingush between pioneer community and climax community.
50.Draw a simplified from of carbon cycle.
51.Distingush the following:
a) Food chain and food web
b) Grazing food chain and detritus food chain
c) Primary predicative and secondary productive
d) Upright pyramid and inverted pyramid
organisms and population
1. What is Ecology?
2. What are the four levels of biological organization in ecology?
3. What is the cause of different seasons?
4. What are the factors, which account for the formation of biome?
5. Name any the five extreme and harsh habitat in which living organisms are present
6. Name the major biomes in India.
7. Name the major biomes in the world.
8. What are the various biotic components included in an ecosystem?
9. What determines the geographical distribution of the organism?
10. Name the organism, which can tolerate the wide range of temperature.
11. What is stenothermal organism?
12. What is euryhaline organism?
13. How light is important for living organism?
14. Name the properties of soil that determines vegetation of any area?
15. Write the characteristics that decide the percolation and water holding capacity of the soil?
16. What is the approximate salt concentration of the following water bodies?
1. Inland water
2. Sea water
3. Hyper saline lagoons
17. What is homeostasis?
18. What are regulators? Name two methods by which they maintain Homeostasis.
19. What is the reason of success of mammals as evolved organisms?
20. How do mammals regulate their body temperature in summers and in winters?
21. Do plants regulate internal body temperature?
22. What are conformers?
23. Why are small animals like shrews and humming birds do not have thermoregulation?
24. Why are small animals not found in Polar Regions?
25. How do animals suspend the unfavorable conditions?
26. Define adaptation: -
27.Why North American Kangaroos does not drink water through out its life?
28.How are plants adapted to live in the deserts?
29.What is Allen’s Rule?
30.How seals reduce loss of body heat to live in polar seas.
31.what is altitude sickness? How our body solves this problem?
32.How are lizards adapted to live in dissert?
33. What is natality?
34. What is population?
35. How is dispause different from Hibernation?
36. If a marine fish is placed in a fresh water aquarium the fish is able to survive?
37. Define phenotypic adaptation with example.
38. Define population Ecology.
39.Calculate the birth rate if there are 100 plants in pond and a next year 20 new plants are added.
40. If 16 Drosophilae died in one week out of total 160 fruitflies calculate the death rate.
41. What are the following representation know as? Depict the future of the following pyramids
42.What is population density?
43.What is biotic potential? What cheeks the size of population?
44. How is growth of population measured?
45. If No is the population size Nt population size after time interval. What would be the change in population size?
B= No. Of births
I =No. Of immigrant
E= No of Emigrants
D= No. Of Deaths
46. Study the population curves in the graph given below and answer the following
4. Explain J shaped and S shaped curves of population growth
47. Name two methods that form the basis of tiger census.
48. If a population growing exponentially doubles in size in 3 years, what is the intrinsic rate of increase (r) of the population?
49. Give two processes that take place in any population size at increase population density.
50. Name processes that take place to decrease population size.
51. What is predation?
52. What role is played by predators in an ecosystem?
53. What type of mechanism has evolved by prey species to defend themselves from the predators?
54. How is the problem of predation more severe in plants?
55. What type of defense mechanism has developed by the plants against herbivores?
56. State Gause’s competitive Exclusion principle.
57.Give various adaptation found in parasites.
58. What is the effect of parasitism on host?
59. Female mosquitoes suck human blood. Is it a parasite?
60. Give an example of brood parasitism.
61. Name the type of interaction of the following:
1. Barnacles grow on the back of whale
2. Copepods in fest marine fishes
3. Goats have excluded Abingdon tortoise in Galapagos Islands.
4.A parasitic bird lays eggs in the host near for incubation.
5.Cattle ergot remains close to grazing so that insects can be traced when cattle move up.
6.Sea anemone lives with clown fish.
7.On fig trees a specific species of wasp is there.
62. Why the relationship between sea anemone and clown fish is said to be commensalisms?
63. Mycorrhizal associations are mutualism but not commensalisms.
64. Give an example of sexual deceit.
65. Explain obligate mutualism with an example.
66. Distinguish between Camouflage and Mimicry.
67.How Homoeothermic and poikilothermic organisms have adapted themselves?Assignment
Monday, May 12, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
rare flower
Labels: rare flower
by bioeducation
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